Use of Computed Tomography Scan to Rule Out Phantom Thrombus in the Left Atrial Appendage


  • Luis Arabia Instituto Oulton – Cordoba, Argentina
  • Sergio Lucino Instituto Oulton – Cordoba, Argentina
  • José Tibaldi Instituto Oulton – Cordoba, Argentina
  • Diego Li Gambi Instituto Oulton – Cordoba, Argentina
  • Romina García Instituto Oulton – Cordoba, Argentina
  • Maria Eugenia Pérez Instituto Oulton – Cordoba, Argentina
  • Franco Bottello Instituto Oulton – Cordoba, Argentina


Atrial fibrillation, Thrombus, Left atrial appendage, Computed tomography


Occurrence of left atrial appendage (LAA) thrombus is a frequent complication of atrial fibrillation (AF) and it increase thromboembolic risk. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is considered the gold standard to ensure that this chamber is thrombus free. Multidetector computed tomography (CT) scan has some advantages such the possibility to get 3D reconstruction and explore another structures in relationship with the LAA. However, lack of specificity in case of false positive images with filling defects due to slow velocities in the LAA. Methods and Results: 34 patiens with suspected thrombus by a previous CT scan or transesophageal echo were included in analisys. The aim of study was evaluated the utility of CT scan with delayed acquisition protocol to exclude LAA thrombus. In all of patients, complete LAA filling was observed, with a sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value of 100% to differentiate circulatory stasis from thrombus. Conclusion: Perform a CT scan with a delayed acquisition protocol and in prone position are safe techniques to rule out fake thrombus.


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How to Cite

Arabia, L., Lucino, S. ., Tibaldi, J. ., Gambi, D. L. ., García, R. ., Pérez, M. E. ., & Bottello, F. . (2020). Use of Computed Tomography Scan to Rule Out Phantom Thrombus in the Left Atrial Appendage. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, 33(1), 40–45. Retrieved from



